I have a question about which VA Regional office decides an Appeal when the veteran moves. Last year I received a Disability Rating of 50% from my local VA regional office. In Jan 2012 I decided to file an Appeal and requested a DRO. Then, last month I moved out of the area. As a result, do you know if my Appeal will stay with the office where it was filed or be transfered to VA office near my new location? Do you know if could make a difference one way or the other?.
Usually the VA will transfer your file and appeal to your new local regional office. They do this to keep the file in your local area and also this allows your former regional office to get one more claim off their roster which makes their numbers look better.
The odds are good that it will slow your appeal down by a few weeks or more but you really do not have a choice.
I assume you have already notified the VA of your move? If you have and the VA has not acknowledged your change of address play it safe and notify the VA again by return receipt requested if you have not already done so. That way you can prove you notified VA in the event they keep sending mail to your old address.