As part of our efforts to create jobs and career opportunities that allow veterans with disabilities to fully participate in our nation’s economy, VetsFirst will be hosting a job resource fair during United Spinal Association’s 2011 Disability Leadership and Policy Summit.
Don’t miss this unique opportunity to get job and career placement counseling from organizations and governmental agencies that assist vets.
The Summit, which will take place at Temple University’s Student Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on April 21, will also feature exhibitors that can help make sense of the often complicated process of applying for veterans benefits through the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).
Along with many valuable resources, the Summit will include a panel of experts discussing issues related to the employment of veterans and people with disabilities. VetsFirst is pleased to announce that Mr.Ted Daywalt, President and CEO of VetJobs, which is America’s premier job board for veterans, will serve as a panelist.
VetsFirst hopes the Summit and job resource fair will provide meaningful, accessible employment opportunities that allow many veterans to successfully reintegrate into their communities and families. We look forward to seeing you in Philadelphia!