VetsFirst wants you to know that the VA has released a fact sheet providing guidance on the implementation of the recently passed prohibition on the collection of copayments from veterans who are catastrophically disabled.
The prohibition on the collection of copayments for veterans who are catastrophically disabled was included in the recently signed Caregivers and Veterans Omnibus Health Services Act of 2010.
In its implementation of the prohibition, the VA has determined that the law exempts catastrophically disabled veterans from making copayments to the VA as a result of medical treatments, whether outpatient or inpatient. The VA has also determined that the prohibition against copayments extends to prescription drugs. Veterans who have copayments related to long-term care, however, may still be responsible for those payments.
The VA is currently reviewing all copayments for catastrophically disabled veterans that have been charged since May 5. Copayments that have been charged but not paid will be cancelled. Veterans who have already made copayments will receive refunds. Veterans who have questions about these copayments should contact their VA Medical Center’s Enrollment Coordinator or call 1-877-222-VETS (8387).
VetsFirst supported passage of this legislation to ensure that all veterans with disabilities and their families will be able to receive the health care they need and deserve.