VetsFirst was recently briefed by VA Secretary Eric Shinseki on the President’s budget request for the VA for fiscal 2012, which starts on October 1, 2011.

Overall, VetsFirst is pleased with the President’s budget request of approximately $132 billion which demonstrates his commitment to ensure that the VA has the resources it needs to provide health care and compensation benefits to our nation’s veterans.

The President’s request includes approximately $62 billion in discretionary spending, which mainly funds medical care for veterans. The Independent Budget, which is supported by VetsFirst and other veterans service organizations to guide policymakers in developing an adequate health care budget, calls for $65.3 billion in discretionary spending.

VetsFirst is concerned, for example, that the limited amount of funding requested by the VA for major constructions projects ($589.6 million) may not be sufficient to ensure access to VA health care services for all veterans with disabilities. Specifically, the Independent Budget recommends $2.2 billion for major constructions projects.

In addition to the request for fiscal 2012, the President requested $41.4 billion in advance appropriations for medical services for fiscal 2013. The lack of a budget for fiscal 2011 has demonstrated the importance of having an assured level of funding for health care beyond the current fiscal year to ensure that veteran’s health care will not be disrupted.

The VA’s priorities for fiscal 2012 include eliminating veteran homelessness, expanding access to benefits and services, and reducing the disability claims backlog. Although not listed as a priority by the VA during its briefing, the budget request also includes $208 million to fund the implementation of new caregiver benefits under the Caregivers and Veterans Omnibus Health Services Act of 2010, which was strongly supported by VetsFirst.

As the budget process moves forward, VetsFirst will continue to advocate for the level of funding needed to support the programs and services that our veterans with disabilities and their families deserve.