While at my local VA hospital a few weeks ago, I noticed many copies of the 2009 edition of Federal Benefits for Veterans, Dependents and Survivors prominently displayed where I was being photographed for my new VA identification card. I tucked a copy in my backpack for passing time on a rainy day.
That day arrived recently, and because I have a spouse and a few children, I immediately jumped forward to the section on benefits for dependents and survivors. I learned a bunch of stuff that I thought I knew, so what I really learned was that I “assumed” stupidly that I knew about these benefits.
I assumed the VA might help with education costs for children only. I learned that, depending on disability rating and other factors, it might be possible to apply for education benefits for my spouse, too. I also found out that such education benefits might be used not just for college, but for a wide variety of educational pursuits, including business, technical and vocational schools; on the job training programs; and, even work-study programs at VA facilities.
There’s more. The period of eligibility for educational benefits was extended by a 2008 law for spouses of certain service-connected veterans. And such benefits for dependent children might be available until they reach the age of 26, and even longer under certain circumstances.
Actually, there is very much more-too much to try to cover in this brief piece. This little academic exercise truly reinforced in my mind why VetsFirst has opened its membership to dependents and survivors of veterans with disabilities. The VA administers a big and a complex system of benefits. Each must be applied for, and here’s where VetsFirst membership works for you.
VetsFirst has the benefits service officers who can both tell you what benefits you should apply for, and then go to work to help you obtain them, including benefits for your dependents. Feel free to contact your VetsFirst benefits service officer, or contact us through the Ask VetsFirst feature.
Seeing to it that VetsFirst members and their dependents and survivors receive the VA benefits that they are entitled to is and will remain our highest priority.
Terence Moakley
VetsFirst Board of Directors chair